Setting the Scene
Parsonage Farm Nursery and Infant School is located in the heart of Farnborough, Surrey. They have 200 children enrolled and are dedicated to ensure that they “create a rainbow of possibilities” for their children.

Customer Objectives
Parsonage were looking to regenerate an area of their playground to create an all-weather usable space. The area
beneath trees was unkempt and muddy making it unusable most of the year, so they wanted to have it transformed into a natural all-weather play area.

Our Solution
We surfaced the space with Just Like Grass and replaced the sleeper retaining wall. This added colour to the area and turned it into an inviting space for the children, that could be used all year round.

Originally published Oct 26, 2021 3:33:00 PM
, updated January 30, 2024
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