Low Level Trim Trails

Exciting, accessible timber play equipment for EYFS and infant schools. Rope bridges, balance beams, log traverses and more

Dual Sloping Balance Beams

Our product code: D1-TL007-B

Built to promote coordination, good balance, and core body strength our Dual Sloping Balance Beams allow children to progress their balancing skills. Having the slightly inclined beams paired together allows children to progress their physical development allowing them to make choices and use either beam or both.

Our Dual Sloping Balance Beam allows children to progress their physical skills from walking in one direction to turning on one point and walking back in the other direction on the other beam. Children are able to hop from one beam to the other if they want that extra physical challenge. 

Children can work in pairs, where they have the opportunity to mirror each other, which will develop their concentration, or children can work together and help each other across, which will build their social skills and build friendships.

balance playground equipment for nurseries and eyfs

As well as getting children active and developing their core strength, trim trail equipment builds qualities such as perseverance, courage, and the ability to problem solve.

Our natural timber playground equipment is made from forestry standard timber and comes with a 15-year guarantee.

Let's Start an Active-Play Revolution on Your Playground!

Book in a call today for a free preliminary chat about your playground redesign.
Tell us your ideas and goals and we'll come up with some exciting initial ideas within your budget.
If you're happy to proceed, we can often organise a site visit in as little as 1 week!


The dbdplay team have been absolutely fantastic in helping us envision, plan and develop our fantastic new garden!

The children (and adults) have had so much fun exploring the bug hotel, performing on stage and getting tangled in the spider web!

Our garden is now truly an all year-round place to learn, explore & play. Thank you so much.

Little Willows Day Nursery



What a transformation! It looks amazing! Thank you 😊

Just spoke to the manager who is really happy with their new space 😊

The Old Station Nursery

Our most complex learners are now better able to engage with an increasing range of outdoor learning opportunities.  

Outdoor spaces are vital to help those who experience multi-sensory processing difficulties develop their senses and gain and understanding of their place in the world. 

The garden will not only enable a more holistic learning experience but will support overall health and wellbeing.

Treloar School
