lesson resources for outdoor classrooms

free science, maths and reading lessons for outdoor classrooms

Stuck with how to use your outdoor learning time? Look no further.

Created by qualified teachers to meet KS2 national curriculum objectives, our free to download lesson plans are active, exciting, and educational.

download all 3 lesson plans here

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science - predators and prey

This exciting outdoor running around game with reflection questions guides children to think about food chains, natural habitats, and how environmental changes can affect them.

National Curriculum Objectives:

Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition” Year 3, Animals including humans

“Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.” Year 4, Living things and their habitats

“Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.” Year 4, Animals including humans

“Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways” Year 6, Evolution and Inheritance

DBD  5 (6)

maths - time trials

This active outdoor maths lesson encourages children to time each other completing tasks, compare durations, and process the data using charts and operations.

National Curriculum Objectives

"Compare durations of events" Year 3, Time

"Estimate, compare and calculate different measures" Year 4, Measurement

"Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these" Year 5, Multiplication and Division

"Complete, read and interpret information in tables" Year 5, Statistics

reading - the great comprehension hunt

Using the text of your choice, send your students out to discover and answer the comprehension questions hidden around your playground, written for a variety of differentiated levels.

National Curriculum Objectives

"Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions" –Years 3 & 4

"Discuss words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination" –Years 3 & 4

"Make comparisons within and across books" Years 5 & 6

"Ask questions to improve their understanding" Years 5 & 6

reading hunt

complete the form to download ks2 lesson plans for free

get an outdoor classroom

The children have been thoroughly enjoying our brand new play equipment at both KS1 and KS2 and it has been a joy to watch all their smiles and giggles in the sunshine.    

Many break times and lunchtimes are now spent swinging and balancing on the fantastic new equipment.

The Grove Primary School


Our playground looks AMAZING !

We are so grateful to all your team for their hard work in giving our children something so truly unique and special. 

Please pass on our thanks to everyone involved.

St Peter's C of E Academy


We are absolutely thrilled with the new play equipment which was installed over the Easter holidays.

The equipment includes lots of different sections, and the ground area around the equipment has been levelled out and resurfaced, making it a much more usable space. 

Thank you.

Redland Primary School
