High Level Trim Trail

Our High Level Trim Trails are designed to provide more challenge to older or more physically adventurous pupils.

Focusing on upper body strength, pupils are encouraged to engage their core and improve their grip strength as they move across the equipment.

Any well designed KS2 playground should incorporate an element of High Level Trim Trail equipment to provide a physical challenge to pupils and encourage development of key upper body muscle groups.

High Level Trim Trail equipment will require safer surfacing, so your budget will need to make an allowance for this, however with good design the cost need not be prohibitive.

Let's Start an Active-Play Revolution on Your Playground!

Book in a call today for a free preliminary chat about your playground redesign.
Tell us your ideas and goals and we'll come up with some exciting initial ideas within your budget.
If you're happy to proceed, we can often organise a site visit in as little as 1 week!

The children now love rolling down the hill.

It’s completely transformed the space.

We have had no flooding problems since the grass has been installed, even with the big storm.

YMCA Green Shoots Nursery


We are absolutely thrilled with the new play equipment which was installed over the Easter holidays.

The equipment includes lots of different sections, and the ground area around the equipment has been levelled out and resurfaced, making it a much more usable space. 

Thank you.

Redland Primary School


dbdplay are always so organised and a pleasure to deal with! 

Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust
