dbdplay Case Studies

Trim Trail and All Weather Play Area - Cherhill Primary School

Written by Rachael Webb | Feb 9, 2022 11:00:33 AM

Setting the Scene

Cherhill is a Voluntary-Aided Primary School situated in a small village between Calne and Avebury in Wiltshire. The school provides a caring atmosphere, where the wide range of abilities and interests of all the children are met in a supportive, creative and fun way.

Customer Objectives

During a visit for a small surfacing repair, we were asked to look at Cherhill’s existing Trim Trail which had become damaged and unusable. The school wanted to replace the existing Trail with some new surfacing and Trim Trail items which would support physical development and be exciting for the children, whatever their age or ability.

Our Solution

To increase the opportunities for the children to get active and develop their gross and fine motor skills we installed a range of Trim Trail items including Climbing Wall Traverse, Rubber Step Posts, Burma Bridge, Forest Log Posts, Web Traverse, Net Crawl and Balance Beams. These items of Trim Trail enable the children to tackle manageable risks, using problem solving and physical skills.

We installed Just like Grass all weather surfacing in a horseshoe shape under the Trim Trail linking this to the tarmac play area, increasing the usable surface space during inclement weather.